Jeffrey Archer: Zuerst ein Jahr denken.

I spend a year before I sit down to write on the first day, and then I go away, and have a very disciplined routine. I rise at five in the morning and I start work at six, I work from six until eight, from 10 until 12, from 2 until 4, from 6 until 8. I will go to bed about at 9.30 – 10.00 having a light supper, and then I will get up again at 5 the next morning.

That is, 50 days of that is the beginning of what you call the struggle, and the tough work, and that probably 300 or 400 hours and then I take a break. Then I will go back to it.

The last draft of, “A Prisoner of Birth,” my latest book, was probably the 16th or 17th draft before anybody read it.


2 Gedanken zu „Jeffrey Archer: Zuerst ein Jahr denken.“

  1. Interessanter Ansatz – ich hatte mal ein ähnliches, ist jetzt aber schon 15 Jahre oder so her.
    Aber ich probiere mal morgen aus: 1 Stunde was tun, 1 Stunde entspannen, 1 Stunde fleißig sein, 1 Stunde pausieren….
    Ich werde berichten ob ich die Disziplin aufgebracht habe….

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